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Photograph of colourful pieces of cut out card with a pair of scissors on top.

Make a Paper Portrait

Online workshop for adults
8 November 2023
19:00 – 21:00 GMT

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In this exciting two-hour online workshop with illustrator Beth Suzanna, you will learn to create figurative illustrations using paper and scissors.

Photograph of a hand holding a paper cut out illustration of a person from the side with their hands under their chin.
© Beth Suzanna

With a series of quick form “life drawing” exercises, followed by your chance to create your own self – portrait collage. By the end of the workshop you’ll create a bespoke illustration using vibrant card to depict yourself.

Collage is a unique form of illustration that allows you to go against the conventions of drawing by incorporating colour and shape to create playful and striking illustrations.

Whether you’re looking for a relaxed way to unwind or you’re a creative looking to explore a new medium. This workshop requires no previous experience in collage and is a relaxed friendly environment.

Photograph of a paper collage of three people.
© Beth Suzanna

About Beth

Beth Suzanna is an illustrator working across publishing, editorial and community-based projects. As this year’s Illustrator in Residence at Hay Festival, Beth is an experienced workshop facilitator who loves to share her love for collage with others. Beth’s work revolves around community and people, using her paper collages to capture the individuality of people. Her debut picture book received nominations for the The Klaus Flugee Prize, Yoto Medal for illustration and The Waterstones Prize.

Photograph of a person collaging a paper portrait at a desk, there are crayons, a tub of cut out bits of colourful paper and a plant on top of it.
Process © Beth Suzanna

What people have said about other workshops in our 'Make A' series

"A great way to spend the evening. Felt stretched and supported."

"The whole thing was absolutely fantastic. I couldn’t rate it highly enough."

"Excellent all round - I drew so much, more than I have in weeks. So well-hosted as well by QB centre. Probably as smoothly as any Zoom call could have gone! Loooooved the Padlet and being able to share my work and view others."

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