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Quentin Blake at 90 - our favourites

by Tara Vidisha Ghose, Quentin Blake Centre team

Please note that our auction and prize draw are now closed.

This month, our founder Quentin Blake celebrates his 90th birthday. In celebration, Bonhams are hosting an online auction of his latest drawings. Bidding opens today and closes on 16 December. All the proceeds will go towards the creation of the national centre for illustration in Clerkenwell, London.

At (nearly!) 90, Quentin still spends every day in his home studio, drawing fantasy landscapes and characters brimming with personality. The auction includes 140 pieces, all in Quentin's signature freeform linework and watercolour, and made in the last year.

The auction includes one mystery artwork titled A Chance Encounter... This special colour illustration will be given to the lucky winner of our December prize draw. You can enter by Monday 19 December to win and share a personalised birthday message with Quentin.

You can see some of our favourites from the auction here, and the full collection online at Bonhams.

Want to see Quentin’s work up close? You can see a selection of the auction lots at Bonhams, 101 New Bond St, London W1S 1SR from 9:00 – 17:00 on 5 – 7 December, 9 December and 12 – 14 December.

Illustration of two people riding on birds over mountains waving their hats to each other as they pass by
Illustration of a man pulling a singing woman and a dog in a cart, bathed in sunlight
Illustration of a person riding on the back of a wading bird reading
Illustration of a flying person raising their hat to two people walking below