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  • Poster with blue background, depicting a United States Army Special Forces soldier with his body in black partitioned into numbered sections similar to the Colt Silhouette Target (K and D designations).
  • Offset lithograph poster depicting a portrait of Ho Chi Minh rising up behind a group of workers, children and soldiers. Lettered across the bottom 'For a Vietnam ten times more beautiful' in Spanish, English, French and Arabic.
  • Offset lithograph poster depicting two male Black Panther figures carrying arms and wearing black hats, one with dark glasses. Figures rendered in blue, purple and black. One weapon rendered in red. Orange background. Text 'Solidarity with the African/ American People August 18, 1968' written in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
  • Colour lithograph poster in red depicting repeating photographs of Che Guevara smoking. The title quotes an article written by Guevara entitled 'Create Two, Three, Many Vietnams', published in Tricontinental Magazine (April 16, 1967). Lettered in English and Spanish.
  • Screenprinted poster on a white ground depicting a tank with a figure in silhouette jumping out. Lettered in black, 'Giron 30th Anniversary, Socialism or Death' in Spanish, English and French.
  • Colour offset lithograph poster with green background advertising the third anniversary of the 'Tricontinental Conference Anniversary', lettered in Spanish, French, English and Arabic. Illustrated side profile of a soldier's torso and blank head with gun on their back, on right there are three separate head and neck profiles.
  • Poster depicting a solider holding a gun. He has vampire teeth and the top of his head is removed to expose a small man with spectacles sitting at a steering wheel, in place of his brain. The soldier's right shoulder is on fire and behind him are psychedelic patterns.
  • Colour offset lithograph poster depicting a quarter length view of a man in a suit. When turned upside, there is a quarter length view of man in ceremonial military dress. The title 'Democracy Representative' written in French across the centre.