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Human rights

  • Colour offset lithograph poster depicting a fist against a red, white, and blue background. At the bottom is lettered 'Solidarity with the Afro-American people, August 18' in Spanish, French, English and Arabic.
  • Offset lithograph poster depicting the face of a person of colour in three-quarter profile, with the words 'Whites Only' lettered in the pupils of their eyes. Lettered across the bottom is 'South Africa, Sudafrica, Afrique du Sud' and in Arabic.
  • Colour offset lithograph poster depicting the silhouette of a head in profile. Inside the head is a pink tree, beneath which is an armed family. Lettered across the top in blue, 'Day of Solidarity with Afro-American People / August 18', in Spanish, French, English and Arabic.
  • Black and white offset lithograph poster depicting the Vitruvian Man in chains. Lettered around the edge of the body in Spanish, French, English and Arabic with the words 'Hunger, Repression, Unemployment, Racism'.
  • Offset lithograph poster with an illustration of Nelson Mandela against a tiled orange background