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  • Poster design with textured black brush strokes over red yellow and green showing a face with a headdress looking out between two abstract shapes. The shape on the right has the word 'ZIMBABWE' running vertically down in block-like letters.
  • Offset lithograph poster with the word Laos, depicting an explosion bursting forth from the letter O, to advertise a day of solidarity with Laos (12th October).
  • Offset lithograph poster depicting the word Saigon written four times in large letters with a different flag seen behind each word.
  • Colour offset lithograph poster on a blue ground depicting a peak made up of concentric green and yellow stripes with a Cuban flag at the top. The flag pole is made up of the word 'Cuba' repeated seven times. Lettered in white across the top with the words 'Day of World Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution (July 26)' in Spanish, English, French, and Arabic.
  • Cover of Little Silk book which has bright red, green and blue patterns and an illustration of the doll.